Hi Everyone,
Sorry it's taken me a while to update. Also, sorry that my last email was so vague. I was typing on my iPod and it wasn't working out so well.
The story is that:
Friday morning Nathan had knee surgery because he tore his miniscus running, during a regular monthly drill session. He had no complications at all. When we got home, he went outside and raked the lawn -I told him he was crazy-! Saturday was the same thing; we walked around Home Depot for like 2 hours.
We went to bed that night and Nathan slept in our guest room downstairs -I kept bumping his knee the night before and he wasn't going to have any of that again-! I went down Sunday morning to wake him up for church. He woke up and said he wasn't going because his throat was really sore and hurt really badly. I kissed him goodbye and went to church at about 9:30.
When I got home from church, my neighbor Terry was outside -who is just an amazing person and I owe her so much- and I went and talked to her for about 10 minutes. At church, I ran into our good friends Mike and Raquel -also amazing people who we owe so much to- and they asked if the could stop by right after church to home teach! I am so so grateful they did because... when they got to my house, I told them to hold on so I could go down stairs and wake Nathan up.
I went downstairs and repeatedly said his name. I noticed he was snoring extremely loudly and that it was really rapid. I kept shaking him but couldn't wake him up. I turned the light on and noticed that his face was completely ashen and his lips were completely blue. I turned around for a second and kind of said out loud something was wrong but I thought I was being dramatic. I continued to shake him and started getting pretty aggressive.
After about a minute, maybe a little less, I called up to Mike and Raquel and said that something was wrong with Nathan. They headed down the stairs and I told them he wouldn't wake up. They both went into the room and right away Mike started shaking Nathan to wake him up. Raquel, if I remember right, started checking some of his vitals. After about 30 seconds I called 911.
That's when I started getting a little hysterical. I went up stairs and talked to dispatch while they told me I needed to take his pulse and try to keep waking him up. I pretty much just called down to Mike and Raquel what to do because I just couldn't concentrate. I went to the front door where the police officer was already there. She ran downstairs to be with Nathan.
Initially, we all started thinking he had somehow overdosed on his pain killers. I brought the meds to Raquel and she counted everything and it all seemed to be fine. We also checked my pain meds to see if he had accidentally taken some of mine from my surgery but they were all accounted for.
The EMTs got there pretty quickly and intibated him. I am not really sure what else they did. Terry, my neighbor across the street ran over and just grabbed Grant and Lincoln and took them over to her house to get them out of the way. My other neighbor next door took my dog for me.
The EMTs got him in the ambulance and rushed him to the ER. Mike took Grant to his house and Raquel took me to the hospital. Once we got there it got pretty crazy. No one knew what was going on. Since we had narrowed out the drugs, everyone started thinking it was a blood clot.
They did a CT and it was not a blood clot. By this point, we were all pretty positive that they were going to life flight him out but we were not sure where. My dad had already started heading up towards Rock Springs in case he stayed; my mom to Salt Lake.
To make matters even worse. All I had was Nathan's phone, with hardly any of the same numbers as mine and it was about to die. The ER doc informed me that I was going to be able to fly with Nathan to Salt Lake. Which was great. Terry and her husband Justin came up and I made them a list of what I needed. They got everything ready for Grant and I so that when my dad got there, he could just grab it and continue on to Salt Lake. Grant was still with Mike and Raquel at this point. My dad was picking him up also.
Meanwhile, I was pretty much freaking out on the airplane. I absolutely am TERRIFIED of flying. During takeoff, I kind of broke down and made the paramedic hold my hand during take off! He was so nice. I promised him I wouldn't tell his wife! He said he was sure she wouldn't care!
It only took about a half an hour to get to the hospital. Once there, they rolled Nathan into the MICU and sent me into the waiting room. I got in but Nathan's phone was dead and the courtesy phone would not dial long distance.
Then I met the most wonderful lady ever, Sid. Her brother was also in the MICU but they had no idea what was wrong. She just hugged me and held me and talked to me until my mom got there, she also lent me her phone.
Slowly everyone started trickling in. My mom got there and then Nathan’s sister Melissa and her husband, followed by his parents and finally my dad and Erica.
We all just hung around and didn’t hear very much about the whole situation. They finally let me go in and see him. He was still unresponsive but it was mostly due to the sedation medication they had him on.
Finally, later that night, the phlebotomist came in to take some blood from Nathan. That woke him up and he sat right up and pretty much freaked out. The nurses talked to him and explained to him what was going on. He then fell right back to sleep.
The next day Nathan finally woke up for good and by that afternoon they were able to take his breathing tube out. He was pretty happy about that. Last night at around 1:30 in the morning, they were able to move in from the MICU. That was also great.
Now we are just waiting while the doctors run tests after tests. Initially, when we had gotten to the hospital, the main belief was that it actually was an accidental drug over dose but not from him. They figured that the meds the doctor had prescribed him were just way too much and his body could not handle it.
I just got back to the hospital because they decided to do a heart probe and they now have a new prognosis. Endocrionitis (I think is what it’s called). They think that he got an infection from his surgery. The infection built up in his heart and eventually broke off and went to his brain which caused everything to happen!
We don’t know for sure if this is the case, but it is more consistent with the spots on his brain and the damage to his heart.
I am just so extremely happy that I am able to talk to my husband! I felt so desperate and hopeless thinking I would never get to hold his hand or kiss him again. I would never wish this kind of devastation on anyone. You really don’t really how crazy in love you are with someone until you almost lose them. Nathan really truly is my best friend in the whole world and I absolutely don’t know what I would do without him.
On another note, Mike, Raquel, Terry, Justin, Sid, Mom, and Dad, and everyone! I can’t thank you enough for everything. I truly have the most amazing friends and family. I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have any of them there! Thank you all so much again! Continue to keep Nathan in your prayers and hope for a full recovery! I’ll update soon and sorry this is ridiculously long!